10% off all braids using code "SUMMER10" , Shop Update live on June 19th 10:00am Eastern

Shop Update

Blended Braids
All colours from Spring and Summer are available for purchase.
Washed Fleeces
Breed-specific washed fleeces in 200g are stocked. We have Corriedale, BFL, Cotswold, Border Leicester, and more!
All braids are 10% off for our Tour de Fleece sale, use code "SUMMER10".

Poppy Tweed

Glasswing Tweed

Dyed in deep saturated colours from our past collections

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Standards and Values

About Our Product
Fibremorphology is a term we use to reference the study of the structure of fibre. It represents our goal to get to know the raw fibre that goes into our bases and to match select...
Fibre Sources
We are dedicated to sourcing fibre local to Ontario and across Canada. The goal set upon the inception of Fibremorphology is to disrupt the monopoly of Merino and commit to utilizing...
Shipping & Delivery
For US and Canada, all packages are shipped with Canada Post at a flat rate of $18CAD*. Larger orders may be vacuum-sealed and tracking will always be provided. Toronto...
Land Acknowledgement
Fibremorphology acknowledges that we operate on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee...